Sunday School/Bible Study: 9:15 am
If you’re new to FBC Hazlehurst connect with us at the link and someone will be in touch.
Wednesday Schedule Change
Due to hurricane Helene damage we are unable to serve Wednesday meals right now and our Wednesday schedule is different at this time. Wednesday evening activities meet from 5:45-7:00 pm. Children in grades K through 5th grade now meet in the social hall. Preschoolers meet in the preschool wing.
Spring Bible Conference
Mark your calendars and spread the word! Five of our favorite preachers will deliver God’s message for FBC Hazlehurst at the annual Bible Conference in early March.
Praise & Worship
Join us each week as we study God's Word with Pastor Brad.

Mid-Week Activities
These Wednesday activities are not taking place during the summer and our plan is to start back in the fall. We will keep you updated.
Wednesday Worship
Join us each Wednesday evening for a mid-week worship service with Pastor Brad. Come early for dinner starting at 5 pm in the Activities Building.
This program is for kids age 2 through 5th grade and they meet during the school year. Awana clubbers study and memorize scripture in a unique way that is super fun! Awana Sparks and T&T meet in the activities center.
Student Worship
Students in grades 6-12 gather in the old sanctuary each Wednesday for a mid-week worship service with Pastor Philip. Join us and invite your friends. The game room opens at 5:30 pm.
Wednesdays at 10 am
Join us in the social hall each week for a mid-week morning Bible Study with Pastor Brad.
Sundays at FBC
At this time we offer Sunday morning Bible Study at 9:15 am followed by Sunday morning worship at 10:30 am. Sunday evening worship begins at 6 pm - childcare is available.
Sunday Bible Study
Sunday school is a small-group time of Bible study for children and adults. Children and youth groups are divided by age group. We have several adult classes for men, women, couples, etc. A Sunday school lesson is posted every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Children’s Church
Children, ages 3 years to kindergarten, now participate in a worship service every Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Kidventure is a program designed to lead young boys and girls through worship in song and a message geared to their precious minds.
We are blessed to have the technology measures in place that allow us to preach and teach God’s Word in these uncertain times. As we continue the ministry of sharing the gospel and meeting needs, we ask you to continue giving, to give the wind a mighty voice, that Jesus Saves.
Sunday Worship
We look forward to corporate in-person worship each week as we worship God through music and Pastor Brad’s message. Childcare is available. Both Sunday services are streamed Live on Facebook and Youtube.
FBH Ministries
Children's Ministry
Preschool thru 5th Grade
We believe in teaching children about the gospel at an early age. Find out about our Sunday school classes, children's church, Awana Program,summer camps, and more!
Student's Ministry
Grades 6 thru 12
Students are part of a fast-paced world that is technology driven and socially demanding. Our goal at FBCH is to study scripture and teach young people how to apply God's word in every situation of life.
Adult Ministries
Men and Women
We have ministries specifically designed for women, men, and senior adults. Learn about ways to fellowship as you grow in the knowledge of Christ through Bible study and special events.
Find Us
31 N. Tallahassee Street
Hazlehurst, GA 31539